Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Sound of Music....

Blaise is normally a kid that we have to motivate a little to try new things. At the beginning of the school year Blaise came home with a special request. He said Mom can I please play the Violin? I was floored....he never actually asks to try something, so I was very excited that he was wanting to try an instrument. He even reminded me about the parent meeting. When the WSHS strings class played for us, I got chills I was also very emotional thinking that Blaise was growing so fast. I remember clearly when I was in the fifth grade sitting in the cafeteria being given the same choice. I chose band, the trumpet actually...which didn't last long!!!!! Why I picked the trumpet I am really not sure.....I have a really good feeling about this, call it mother's intuition...I can't count the amount of times that he thanked me when I took him to rent his violin. I am very thankful for this opportunity....

It really is a beautiful instrument.

1 comment:

  1. That is so sweet that he wanted to play the violin. Love that kid.
