Saturday, October 3, 2009

Kailey Marie turns 2

I can't believe how much KK has grown in the last year. She has her own little personality, and happens to LOVE Dora(Dowa) and Diego. She had a windy Dora birthday party at Sharon Woods. The kids played and played...

It took me soooo many pics to get any good ones of KK because she loves to look away at the last was so much more fun to watch her open presents this year.Notice her cute little necklace that Sarah had made for her.

Of course we had to end with Dora cake

School Picture Day

Matching of course....Love these beautifully handsome faces

Broken limbs

I think that every kid has to break something at some time or another....we had a little girl who a broke her arm about a week ago. Aidan has been brave through the whole process...of course it was a monkey bar accident!!!! I think they should ban these from school playgrounds. Her first cast was purple and she actually thought of it as a fashion accessory. She matched her cast to her costume from the Flintstones, even though she did not get to perform in her first Fourth Friday event. This week the "bone" doctor gave her a shorter tie-died cast that she will have on for three weeks. The neat thing about this cast is that it is completely waterproof!

The break was a slight angulation of the distal radius...and here is a pic of the x-ray...

(which I will insert later...not near the scanner)