Friday, May 29, 2009


Yes when I was young I is a picture of me when I was dancing! Quitting is one of my biggest regrets!

Go Red Sox Game 2

Game two was against the Cubs.....and we won 13-0!!!! It was exciting for Blaise to be a part of a winning was a rainy, wet game too!!!!! He played outfield both left and right....and he was at bat twice, one strike out, one walk!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day

Memorial day is a day to be spent with thanks to those who lost their life to protact our freedom, and to bring freedom to families in other nations. This Memorial Day we went to my Mom's house and had a little too much fabulous food....ribs, brats, potato salad, corn etc. The kids got to go for a walk around the property, went on a boat ride on the pond, and we played a game of catch-phrase...girl's always win of course. I am very thankful for quiet, beautiful days like these......


Sunday, May 24, 2009

Things that I will miss....

about my Aidan as she grows older.......
Her toothless smile

Her willingness to be silly, even when everyone is watching

Her funny faces....

Her way of getting herself into crazy situations.....

Her perfect make-up jobs

Her baby face.....

I think that I will just miss her being little.....

Zoo week two~

This time it was Blaise's what a difference seven fourth grade boys are compared to six first grade girls! Both were hard work....and the more class trips I go on the more I appreciate ELEMENTARY school teachers. I was so tired that I had to sleep on the bus ride home! Wow...what a drama filled day, the kids are at the age that not everyone gets along! It was still fun....and I was excited because I haven't been to the North America section of the zoo in forever...somehow I have missed the bald eagle, grizzly bears, and the moose!!!! Here are some pics of our group.
Above:Blaise and his best friend Justin

Our group:
Reid(Justin's triplett brother) Cody, Tobias, Justin, Nick, and Noah

From left:

Justin, Blaise, Cody, Noah, Nick

Red Sox Baseball Game 1

Baseball, baseball, baseball~ is it still America's pastime? I think so, it is so much fun to sit back, relax and watch a game! Blaise had his first ballgame on Thursday and it was very exciting. He was two-for-two at-bat, and played right field for most of the game. His glory moment was a sacrifice RBI, it only cost him a pitch to the leg. Blaise is a real team player and he is working very hard...and giving the game all that he can! Matt has been awesome...taking Blaise to all of his practices...even going early to help him work on throwing, or batting!

Unfortunately we lost this one 4-6....but we go back at it on Tuesday! Go Red Sox!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Generations PAC Recital 2009

What a weekend....I would do it all over again!!!! Aidan tranformed this year, no longer shy and timid, she performed to the best of her ability! Unfortunately we were both sick with colds...but I still would not have changed a thing! I will never forget this was only her second one, but she was unforgettable.

Here is Aidan and Kailey walking into Westerville South for Aidan's Friday Recital. Notice that Kailey is wearing a Generations T-Shirt....we hope to have her in the recital next year!

Aidan's first performance was her Ballet routine...the song was "Second Star to the Right" a Disney Jiminy Crickett tune. This is a picture of Aidan waiting with her friend Ella.

Aidan's second performance was for tap...the song was Uptown Girl by Billy Joel!!! This was my favorite! The picture was taken right after the show... The next few pics I took after the show, I loved them all I couldn't pick!

On Saturday Aidan was back at South for her last was her Jazz routine to the Flintstones. Hannah and Aidan

The whole family came out this weekend to see Aidan's recital....afterwards Grandma took us to the Cheesecake Factory for a special dinner.

Thank you again to Ms.Nicole for all of the dedicated instruction, and the incredible amount of time given to all of the children at Generations. We are really excited for next year....